- Jan Kochanowski in the Polish Literature and Culture of the Age of Enlightenment,
Wroc³aw 1979
- The Tradition of the Old Polish Culture in the Age of King Stanislaus Augustus,
Kraków 1987
- Jan Kochanowski's Latin Works,
Wroc³aw 1978
- In Conversation with the Spirit: An Anthology of 16th-century Polish Prose,
Kraków 1991
- Die ältere polnische Literatur,
Wien 1988
- Polnische Renaissance,
Frankfurt am Main 1996
- Editions of writings of J. Kochanowski, W. Kochowskiego, K. Brodzińskiego
- Old-Polish Songbook
- A Short History of Polish Literature.
Part One: From the Beginning Until the early 19th Century, Kraków 1998
- The Eternal Man,
Kraków 1999
- Polnische Literatur. Annaeherungen,
Oldenburg 1999
- Golden Books of the Jagiellonian University,
Kraków 1999-2001