The Bookfriend's Little Treasure
Wacław Walecki is specialist editor and author of afterwords to Skarbczyk Bibliofila
(The Bookfriend's Little Treasure), part 2; (Wrocław 1992). It is a series
of facsimile reprints of first editions of the most important dramas in
the history of Polish theatre. So far the following have appeared:
- The Judgement of Paris, Prince of Troj
the first drama printed in Polish (1542)
- M. Rej, he Life of Joseph of the House of Israel
an example of a Polish morality play (1545)
- J. Kochanowski, The Dismissal of the Grecian Envoys
the first Polish tragedy in the classical style (1578)
- Mikołaj z Wilkowiecka, The History of the Lord's Glorious Resurrection
a late specimen of Easter mystery play (1582)
- The Parson's War Expedition
an example of a 16th-century low comedy (1590)
- P. Ciekliński, Plautus' Trinummus
the first Polish comedy, modelled upon the ancient Roman play (1597)
- P. Baryka, The Peasant-King
an example of a 16th-century courtly comedy (1637)
- S.Twardowski, Daphnis
a 17th-century idyll in the form of drama (1638)
Further volumes (18th - 20th century) will appear in
"The Literary Tradition Collection (LTC)"
(Biblioteka Tradycji Literackich - BTL) series.